Monday 08 Aug 2024


Here is the link JE 2024 : Interview Naoki Yoshida (FF14 - EN) on

Last Month Yoshi-P went to the Japan Expo in Paris

and there are 3 important things you need to know

First off is the skip button

He mentions that he almost did it but decided not to use it.


In my opinion, it's more interesting to continue with this system of benevolent veterans helping new players discover the story and learn how to play the game. These are elements that go together, and I think it's important to continue to benefit from the goodwill of this community and all these Warriors of Light to take care of the next generation. That's why, in the end, we did not go through this system.

Secondly, there might be a reference to Ascian behind the scenes 


Don't think we should be thinking too much in terms of a hidden threat remaining, but rather that the Ascians have left behind a lot of mysteries and a lot of things we're not yet aware of. And perhaps that's precisely where the clues to FFXIV's future lie, in the things that have been left untouched and that it's up to us to discover. I'm not going to reveal any more, but here's the thing: don't imagine there's a plot behind it. I don't think that's the direction we're going in.


We want to create a story that lives up to what's been done before, and not use twists that are a little too easy.

Lastly, Yoshi-P has hinted that there might be a 24-man Alliance raid savage.

I am excited to what the story will come next around 7.1 onwards.
We may continue to encounter more worlds like in 6.1 and Dawntrail. Trying to resolve their "End of the world" problems. You know when the main bad guy has no choice but to end it all since they got no choice. It's the sort of plot that we may go into. And by the end, a more surprising bad guy sweeps in and collects all the evil from each zone to form an even bigger army. That sort of plot may happen " I'm just on speculation right now lol" around 10.0 lol. Wait around 6 years when that plot gets thicker lol.

New art revealed at FFXIV China FanFest of Cosmic Exploration from the 7.X patches

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Concise description of lake photo for screen readers or if image fails to load.

I think lol i seen somewhere on twitter for a hot second where YoshiP had also said at the China FanFest that field operations will debut on Patch 7.2?? lmao

Also being announced at China Fanfest Square Enix and Tencent are making a mobile game called Final Fantasy XIV: Crystal World. It is only made for the Chinese market. But I believe... well politically speaking lol my guess is since FFXIV is kind of not a game that CCP wants their people to play made by the Japanese lmao. Plus Tencent FFXIV game is gonna data mine all our data lmao.

Don't forget to get these items!!!

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Concise description of lake photo for screen readers or if image fails to load.