Saturday 03 Aug 2024

#Personal Thoughts

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Click here to get the full list of blogs!!!

Blaugust is here!
It was created by

it's a good way to find new sites and for us, the creators to kinda make more posts every day lol

You know? Giving us a reason to do so lol.

Hi, my name is... uhh I have a couple of online names but just called me Johnny Vash lol. I am a male Hmong American from the US. English is my first language and I can speak Hmong 60% of the time mixing with some English words lol. I understand Hmong 100% unless some words don't seem clear to me. I am 28 years old :)

Grew up playing video games starting with the Super Nintendo.  But what's funny everyone I knew had a PS2 but never had a Dreamcast lol. When 2014 Rolled around decided to get a Steam account and never looked back.Ok so on this site, I just talk about FFXIV, computers, video games, and misc stuff. Things that I like to talk about. Yeah, it's just a really simple site nothing fancy but words lol.

Tbh ever since joining Blaugust Discord I discover a lot of good content. Man, some play Freaking FFXIV. Most of them do post a variety of MMOs and interesting topics from their given platforms.

I enjoy blogging more than being a Streamer or a YouTuber.  I believe you may have read my previous 3 part post called It Doesn't Matter Where U Put Your Site On.  If you haven't please check it out!!!

Doesn't Matter Where U Put Your Site On Part 1 

Doesn't Matter Where U Put Your Site On Part 2

Doesn't Matter Where U Put Your Site On Part 3

Did try being a Youtuber lol but I am hella busy. My voice is not that great for people to hear lmao. I also try being a Twitch streamer lol. It's okay it's just meh lol.

Started blogging around 2017 due to an awesome site that I wished I saved at the time. It was a computer site on how to use Linux and a user's history on their computer collection. At first, it was around computer stuff. Later on, I enjoyed documenting my stuff on FFXIV called The Road to series on my used-to-be WordPress before transitioning to Neocity in Dec 2024.

Transitioning to Neo Cities from WordPress was scary since I didn't know how to code HTML lol. But thanks to sadgirl design and Zonelets! I'm able to get a full understanding and the gist of it. I just love the fact that with HTML code I don't have to feel restricted to WordPress bloated design.

I'm not saying that WordPress or Bearblog are bad platforms but they are not compatible with what I wanted to do. However, there's a ton of good content to read through.

The real reason why I enjoy blogging rather than YouTube or streaming is privacy.

I don't want my face or voice out there too much. As they say, it stays on the Net forever. There is no real way to delete it, Plus Ai will steal your everything.

I prefer the anonymity that comes with using a fictional online name with an anime girl profile pic LMAO.

Safety is also a huge factor for me. I just feel safe to be myself when I blog. A space that I feel comfortable to be in. I want the reader to think and feel like they are having a conversation with me, or as if I am talking directly to them.

I'm not the best writer at a college or professional level, but I hope my thoughts make sense :)