Top 13 FFXIV Alliance Raid



I’m pretty much excited for Patch 6.3 Myths of the Realm part 2 alliance raids. With excitement being fill in my soul

I created a list of which some are a pain in ass and ones I love very much without any thoughts.

13. The Tower at Paradigm's Breach lvl 80

12. Sun Scaith lvl 60

11. The Weeping City of Mhach lvl 60

10. The Ridorana Lighthouse lvl 70

9. The Puppets Bunker lvl 80

8. The Copied Factory lvl 80

7. The Orbonne Monastery lvl 70

6. The Royal City of Rabanastre lvl 70

5. Void Ark lvl 60

4. Aglaia lvl 90

3. The World of Darkness lvl 50

2. Syrcus Tower lvl 50

1. The Labyrinth of the Ancients lvl 50